Dear students, staff, families and community,
Earlier this week I was interviewed by a WSU student who is a recent graduate of Mount Baker High School. Her questions about my connections to the community as well as our community’s strengths and needs caused me to further reflect on how blessed I have been to be part of Mount Baker. While we have needs and challenges to address, our community comes together for kids and for one another in so many ways. The people are the power of Baker!
Place-based learning is an important aspect of teaching and learning in Mount Baker. We have been fortunate to leverage the expertise of five local community-based organizations to provide continuous place-based learning opportunities for grades K-6. Our vision through this partnership is to provide a strategic pathway so that students at each grade level build inquiry skills and engage in scientific practices, while providing supported interactions with the local environment, helping students gain better understanding of themselves and their place in the world. This authentic outdoor education makes learning relevant, engaging, and applicable to the real world throughout the school year. A big thank you to Common Threads, Wild Whatcom, NSEA (Students for Salmon Program), Camp Saturna, and the North Cascades Institute. As a WWU student working on my doctorate and dissertation, I am conducting some research on how outdoor education impacts students. I may be contacting some of you with requests to survey and/or interview you and your students during April and May.
Spring is a busy time on all of our campuses. Sports are in full swing as we navigate unpredictable spring weather which always requires a lot of patience and rescheduling. FFA has been busy with the following activities:
- The Vet Science team has placed 5th at the last two contests with Sophia Patten placing 5th high individual both times. Kaylee Wahl-Knaus has been named a State Star Farm Finalist in recognition of her outstanding Supervised Agricultural Experience with her beef cattle, goats, and sheep.
- We are sending 18 students to the State Convention in May for Career Development Events.
- The Ag Mech and Forestry Teams will be competing at the state level in the next two weeks.
- This weekend FFA members are helping the Rome Grange Cleanup this weekend and the Deming Log Show next weekend.
- The MBHS Plant Sale will be May 4-6.
Thanks to everyone who attended the Kendall Spring Fair this past weekend and the Columbia Valley Community Connections potluck Monday night. Community gatherings are always a great way to make connections and celebrate.
Mary Sewright, Superintendent (360) 617-4600