Help Keep Baker Events Open | Thank You for Wearing Masks

Good afternoon Baker Fans! 

You may have recently heard that some neighboring counties are limiting or restricting fans from coming to games. As the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus burns through Washington State, county health departments are being forced to make incredibly hard decisions as they weigh the health of the community against the desires of spectators. So far, our county health department has continued to allow fans at games and other events. 

A significant part of this has to do with our ability and willingness to properly wear masks. Directly and indirectly, proper mask usage is an important factor in whether or not game spectators are permitted, and it is something over which we as fans, coaches, and players have complete control. 

You can play an important part in keeping Baker events open for the community by simply masking up! If we all pull together to keep our kids, coaches, and community members safe, we will likely be allowed to continue having fans at our events. Thank you!

Ron Lepper, Athletic Director
Mount Baker Junior/Senior High School