Dear students, staff, families and community,
The Mount Baker School Board has asked me to remind everyone that School Board Meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. with the exception of November and December. The only Board Meeting this month is tomorrow, December 8 at 6:00 p.m. The public has the option of attending meetings in person at the District Office or remotely through a Zoom Webinar. The Zoom link is always posted on our website prior to the meeting.
High School families should be aware that if students are absent, they have access to their work at home. We want students to stay caught up as they are beginning a new trimester. Also, please help us keep students safe by dropping students off on the junior high side of the campus rather than the bus loop. It is very dangerous when students cross in front of a bus as they head toward classes.
The Junior High and High School choirs gave a festive performance last evening. It is always a celebration to showcase the dedicated work and talent of our students.
Congratulations to the Mount Baker High School Varsity Football Team for an outstanding season! Thank you to the Mount Baker community for bringing that Baker Pride to all the games, especially during the State playoffs.
Go Baker!
Mary Sewright, (360) 617-4600